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I N   T R A I N I N G

Over the years I have schooled many horses of all shapes, sizes and spirits. All of them have made great impressions on me and helped to shape my path - for that I am forever grateful. You can see some of them in the slideshow to the right.


I offer to take your horse in training and will personally train it every time. By principle I do not guarantee an end product, as each horse has different needs and it is of outmost importance to me that all schooling is done with time, feeling and within the capabilities of the horse. It is quite a luxurious stay, as there will be just 1-2 horses in training at a time, so be sure to book ahead of time.


The conditions are:

  • That you are involved with the process and wish to continue it, which is why I offer you a lesson a month free of charge, while the horse is here with me.

  • That the horse is in training for at least three months, to ensure that you get your money's worth and your horse gets a good basic education.

  • That the horse can live in a free stable with other horses, and that it doesn't get ill from grass or wrapped hay. You provide the food for the horse except for hay.

  • The horse is staying here on owners responsibility.


Price for first 3 months of training incl. stable and full care: 18.600 DKK (incl. Danish moms)


Price for following months: 5600 DKK (incl. Danish moms)

"I have time"

- Alois Podhajsky

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